Untamed Phase

So let’s get right to it, shall we?


My last post was quite a while ago, so I apologise for the delay.
Life has been quite hectic lately, and I have been swamped with work and other obligations.
I just haven’t had the time or energy to write until now.
It’s my fault, but I pretend it’s not my fault. I’m just hiding the truth.
For instance, I have been telling everyone that I have been too busy to write, but in reality, I just haven’t felt motivated enough to do so.
There is a part of me that wants to pretend that I didn’t procrastinate, and a part of me that wants to pretend I’m not feeling the consequences of procrastination.
It’s all a natural defence mechanism. We don’t want to feel guilty about ourselves, so we use denial and justification to convince ourselves that we weren’t wrong.
We may even try to rationalize our behaviour by saying that we had to procrastinate to accomplish our goals. funny.
It’s a phase, but only a phase. 



As a child, you have no rent and no worries. Everything is on autopilot and everything is wonderful.
And then, before you can say PRAWN, you’re a grownup with a lot of things to sort out at once.
Maturity arrives, bringing with it a slew of new responsibilities.
You suddenly become accountable, at least for your own acts.
Because we were not warned, adulthood becomes a swindle.
Survival mode is initiated.
That is a phase.



Childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age are all typical ways to conceptualise the phases of life.
However, life goes beyond age and phases are deeper than the three stages mentioned earlier. Individual experiences may differ, and these phases have no one-size-fits-all schedule.
This also emphasises that there is time for everything. So I can claim that my time away from writing was a time to disappear.
That was a phase.


Every phase should involve some form of growth, similar to what we learned about metamorphosis in biology (oh, how I miss biology lectures).
Thank God for growth and development.


At many different times in my life, I’ve made certain choices.
Some of them had significant consequences.
Then I learnt from them, and now I can brag about making better selections in those areas.
Mistakes are not supposed to ruin us.
We should use them as learning experiences and take something positive from them.
By doing so, we can grow and become better people.
Mistakes should not define us, but rather help us to refine ourselves.
A failed test, for example, can help you become more informed about the content in the future, and a mistake in a relationship can help you grow more empathetic and understanding of the other person.

Thomas was a perfectionist (I despise that word), and he used to be my friend. Thomas simply desired 100% in everything. Never realistic, he was. He would place excessive strain on both himself and other people. This would frequently result in frustration and disappointment. Our friendship eventually deteriorated as a result of his concern over being flawless.
Guess who is filled with doubts now… Thomas



Because it is practically impossible to fit perfection completely into life since life itself is not perfect.
Thomas started running into issues at work.
It wasn’t because Thomas did a bad job, though.
Instead, it was because he was overly ambitious and always pushed the limits to get the best outcomes, which isn’t necessarily a negative thing.
Being unaccustomed to things not working properly, he had trouble exploring damage control strategies when anything went wrong.
He often became overwhelmed and shut down, not knowing what to do. This left him feeling helpless and without control over the situation.
He developed a deep fear of failure and was constantly anxious.
Therefore, he became frantic and unable to handle challenging events before they spiralled out of control and resulted in severe issues.

Since we are no longer connected, I may not know exactly how Thomas survived, but I think he… ermmm…learnt something 😉
He must have found a way to use his knowledge and courage to get out of the situation.
Whatever he did, it must have been something extraordinary.


I understand that things do not always go as planned. And I’m ready to accept that and, if possible, seek possible ways to change.
I’m quite adaptable and don’t take myself too seriously.
I keep positive by focusing on what I can control.
At the end of the day, I know I can always rely on myself and my ability.
Regardless of the outcome, I stay confident in my abilities and believe in my judgement.
People trust me because they believe I know what I’m doing when they see me. I dare you to disagree.🤺

I feel like I just dropped my CV up there. Now do your things and find me a job. Hahaha hahaha



I may have been a risk taker and to be honest, it didn’t always end well.
And I’ve learned to accept the consequences. And when things turn out right, happy days.
But I’m still willing to take risks when I believe it’s the right thing to do, knowing that I could be successful and that I’m ready to face any outcome.

Life is a sequence, and we feel that each subsequent phase should improve.
It may not always be the case, but that’s okay. Life isn’t always so straightforward.
Do not be too hard on yourself.

It’s only a phase.


12 thoughts on “Untamed Phase”

  1. We all go through different phases at different stages of our lives….

    This was a very interesting read
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts

  2. Anonymous 😋

    Why do i feel like the “Thomas” here?
    Lool….or you? or someone else?
    There’s a bit of Thomas in all of us!
    I keep reminding myself these days that..”it’s just a phase”…..but how the “phase” ends depends on me…..
    A lovely writeup..

  3. Interesting! Every sequence of events in life is a phase. Even when there is doubt it will eventually remains a period where there was doubt.
    Thomas probably figured it out or not🤷‍♀️or decided to freeze time so we can continue saying “doubting Thomas”😂 however, that will be ‘his’ time and for others, well! A phase👌.
    Nice one, the Thomas part was really catchy 👏👏

    1. Thomas definitely figured it out. It was a tough one though. Freezing time is a power I would go for anytime 😁.
      Thanks for your comment. It’s deeply appreciated 😉

  4. Interesting! Every sequence of events in life is a phase. Even when there is doubt it will eventually remains a period where there was doubt.
    Thomas probably figured it out or not🤷‍♀️or decided to freeze time so we can continue saying “doubting Thomas”😂 however, that will be ‘his’ time and for others, well! A phase👌.
    Nice one, the Thomas part was really catchy 👏👏

  5. Awesome article, indeed still waters run deep.
    My take home was about willingness to take risks and learning from the mistakes.More power to your Elbow.

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