Evolution of The Juggling Prawn


Exploring the scientific evolution of the earth, it is wondrous to learn about how massive animals once dominated the world for millions of years before humans emerged.
Equally remarkable is the era when plants were the reigning rulers long before these animals appeared.
It prompts curiosity about how humans would have coexisted with dinosaurs had they not faced extinction.
Undoubtedly, humans would have likely become an endangered species in such a scenario.
But we are lucky that’s not the case.
Perhaps we can attribute a sense of gratitude to the asteroid that collided with Earth at that time.


This weblog is not a lecture about evolution. But if you like, you can watch Live on Our Planet on Netflix. Worth it.

Survival has always been the driving force behind every aspect of life.
To thrive, one must continuously adapt and cultivate skills or qualities that are advantageous.
This notion crosses my mind whenever I begin writing. 


There are several writers out there. Millions of writers if we want to be realistic.
So I always ask myself; “what do you want to write that no one has written before?”
“What makes you special?”. “What makes you think people will be interested in your writing?”
All these make me want to quit and kill my passion.
But I’ve never been a quitter.
So, I take a break, breathe in the fresh air, indulge in some distractions, and then return refreshed.
Now you have an idea why I’ve been absent for a while.


I am not a perfectionist but there are areas in life where I strive to throw in the best possible.
I get scared of being crappy.
This has always held me back until recently when I learnt that being crappy is part of the process.
So I told myself, “Boy, it’s time to throw those craps out there and just be yourself”
But first, you have to dress the part – create a new website.


My earliest readers would have noticed that prior entries and memoirs were posted under a subdomain under WordPress.
And it felt rather generic.
Now, The Juggling Prawn has a personalised domain and a sleek website.
Jugglingprawn.wordpress.com (now closed) has evolved into thejugglingprawn.com
Could you go and check it out?

All previous posts have been transferred to the new site.
Remember, it’s still a work in progress, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.


Don’t forget to subscribe as well! Just input your email, and you’re all set.


Now that we’ve got that sorted out, it’s time to dive into work.
After all, it’s a brand-new beginning.





5 thoughts on “Evolution of The Juggling Prawn”

  1. The website does looks good and I can bet it will become better overtime. And of course cheers to new beginnings 🥂

  2. Love it!! Plus the website is so sleek.
    Well done! 👏
    Looking forward to new content.

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